Pill of the Week: The Strength to Carry On! (Part 2)
Verse of the week: Philippians 4:6-7
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! How are you all doing? Wow! It has been six months since our last blog post! Yes!! It has been that long! But God’s Grace is ever sufficient to help us, as we return!! This year marks our fifth anniversary! By God’s Grace, Sammie’s Ministries has impacted the lives of people across the world through our blogs, events and tools! We are grateful to be chosen and be presented with the opportunity to be messengers of the Bible. Hallelujah!
Today (and the rest of the week), the Holy Spirit wants to remind us that we have the strength to carry on! The first part of this message was published 6 months ago- just before our break. However, the Holy Spirit wants to draw us to it once again.
Do you know that Spiritual weariness is a thing? You might ask yourself how this is possible! Well, spiritual weariness happens only when we try to tackle the spiritual with our flesh. This is very real! It happens to many of us! At times, we grow impatient with our situation. Our flesh (and our minds) naturally tries to intervene. You find that despite your prayers and meditation of the word, you spend time thinking about various scenarios and possibilities. You comfort that nudge from your spirit to stop, by adding these scenarios to our prayer list. After a while, we begin to feel weary- physically and spiritually. How? Well, you spend your time worrying you become tired and unhealthy. This then affects your prayer time- you tend to pray for shorter periods of time or even get distracted easily.
As Christians, we must have the patience for obedience and trust in God. This can only happen when you learn to subdue the flesh and make God the priority. Afterall, there is strength in the calmness of the Lord! There is strength in the peace of God! Why? Because He fights those battles on your behalf! You work is literally done! You barely do any heavy lifting! Today, the Holy Spirit is reminding us not to be anxious about anything but learn to put our trust in God.
For all those experiencing Spiritual weariness, the Holy Spirit has provided a cure- signed, sealed and delivered…
To gain access to this strength you must remember to overcome your flesh (and renew yourself in Christ) and commit your worries to God. He will then lift you up and reward you with the strength, through His Peace. Hallelujah!
God richly bless you! Thank you, God, for victory!
Have a wonderful day and let God inspire you!
If this is your first-time hearing about Christ, or you have made the decision to make Him the center of your life, kindly say this prayer with all sincerity and truth.
Dear Lord,
I come to you today as a sinner. I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that Jesus is your Son and He came on to this earth to die for my sins. Dear Lord, let your Son come and fill me. Lord, I ask that He cleanses me off my sins. I am ready to stand for you and profess your Name. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
If you repeated this prayer with all the sincerity of your heart, congratulations!! You are now a part of God’s family. You get to enjoy the freedom, salvation, and eternal life! Welcome to the greatest family ever. Heaven is jubilating on your arrival. Your fellow brothers and sisters are also excited to have you on board.
Being a child of God is a wonderful thing. The road might not always be easy, but God is with you each and every step of the way. Guiding you, helping you and encouraging up. You will never regret this decision; I can assure you of that. Two things I would recommend for you to do are;
1. Get yourself a Bible (in a version you understand) and meditate on it day and night. In Joshua 1:8, we are told that when you meditate on the Word day and night, you will be prosperous and successful.
2. Find a Bible- believing church to attend and fellowship with other Christians. This would help you grow spiritually.
I am excited that you made this decision. Welcome! If you would like some help or more understanding into anything, you can leave a message (adding your email address) and I would be willing and happy to help you out!