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Pill of the week-God is still in the miracle business [Part 3]

Sammie's Ministries

Pill of the Week: Holy Spirit Teachings

Topic: God is still in the miracle business [Part 3]

Hello ladies and gentlemen! How are you doing? Happy New Month! We have made it to the 11th month of the year 2021! Wow! God has been good! He has held us through the year. He guided and strengthened us. He led us through thick and thin. Now, we are here! Now, we have entered the month of ALIGNMENT! Yes! For God’s children, God said He is re-aligning your life. He has made all things new, and He is setting your path straight as we prepare for the new year. We give God the Glory!

God has started His work in our lives towards the coming year, what are you doing about it? What are the steps you are taking to ensure that God leads your path in the coming year! Well, make sure to join us for the Lead Workshop on Saturday, 4th December 2021. At this event, we would be learning how to plan with God first. You can purchase a ticket here for just GHS 125. We can’t wait to see you.

Today, we continue with our Pill of the Week [Holy Spirit Teachings] this week, with Part of the topic- God is still in the miracle business! Are you ready for today’s post? The Holy Spirit has been teaching us a lot of wonderful things! It is our prayer that these posts are transforming, encouraging, and inspiring you, to keep your eyes set on Christ!

Without further ado, let us get into our message…

When we ask God for a solution or we seek answers to our questions, we would want it done in our own time! Timing is very important for our breakthrough/ miracle. We need to understand that we live our lives on God’s terms and not ours. Everything we do here on earth has to be appointed and ordained by God. When we try to live our lives ahead of God’s direction, it’s a recipe for disaster.

The enemy tries to get us to the point where we think we can handle live on our own. As children of God, we must intentionally seek God’s will for our lives every day. If we are not intentional about it, the enemy can easily turn us into proud people.

Moving on to the main point of discussion, no matter what you may be going through, know that God is holding you through it. All you’re going through is for a reason. Your breakthrough, your miracle is on its way! In God’s time all will be well. Now, He wants you to learn a thing or two from your current situation.

So let go of your fears and worries and let God. On that note, here is the pill of the week!

Today’s pill- prescribed by the Holy Spirit- comes from:

Ecclesiastes 3:11

He has made everything beautiful in is time.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the love God shows us, is the purest and deepest kind of love anyone can ever experience. Who is this patient, thoughtful and kind! Are you willing to give Him the love He deserves with your obedience and dedication? Think about it…

Want someone to speak to? Want some answers to your questions? All you must do is fill out the contact section below this message! God richly bless you!



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