Topic: Freshness/ Fresh Anointing

Good evening, ladies, and gentlemen! How are you? Happy New Month! Happy New Quarter! Yes! There are a lot of things to celebrate today. I hope you are not occupied by life’s curveballs; you have found sometime to acknowledge God for the wonderful “little” things He does.
My apologies for publishing this piece fourteen days into the month! However, it is not too late to grasp this word/ promise. Before we begin this message, let us go over the word for the year- The Year of God’s Will (Elevation/ Acceleration). At the beginning of the year, God promised us (His children) that the year will be characterized by acceleration and elevation to those who truly trust Him and diligently serve Him. This means we must completely let God take charge of our lives- every aspect of our lives.
Throughout the past few months, we have seen how God has directed our path. There were circumstances and opportunities that came our way but didn’t go as planned. There were others that came by surprise. But with every high and low moment, we give God the Glory- we know He is ordering our steps.
This month’s message is for everyone! Yes! You may have doubted God’s leadership these past few months! You my have questioned God’s will for your life with every “failure” that came by! Or, you may have forgotten about God when the wins came by! Probably, you may not have had the opportunity to fully walk in God’s will for your life! Well, this month, God is pouring out fresh anointing over all who are ready and willing! Yes!! Are you going to receive this fresh oil?
This month, God is giving us a fresh start! Yes! For all who have not fully committed themselves to Him, He is giving you a fresh start in Him. For all who are weary and doubtful of Him, He is giving you a fresh start to experience His Grace, Favor and Mercy! Are you ready to allow God to take you by surprise? Are you ready to do the necessary things to ensure that you will get to enjoy your year of acceleration and elevation?
As you begin to work on your heart to receive the fresh oil; make sure to share with others. How? Continuously confess Christ and let your actions show that Christ is at the center of your life. The main question here is “How can I ensure that I receive this fresh anointing; to enjoy all the rewards that come with it?”
Well, you must firstly (re)dedicate your life to Christ by confessing your sins. Then, you must be intentional about growing in Him, worshipping, and honoring Him through Bible Study, Quiet Time, Bible Reading, Prayer and Fasting. Do not worry! You are not on this journey alone! Sammie’s Ministries has some resources to help you on this journey! Visit out shop or contact us now and we can share some resources with you!
As we end this message, this is the pill for the month. Our prescription is taken from 2 Corinthians 1: 21-22, which reads:
“Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.”
God bless you! As we move into the Easter celebrations weekend, this is the perfect time to re-dedicate your life to Christ. We must make the decision and stick with it wholeheartedly. Watch out for our Easter mini-series tomorrow (Good Friday) and Monday (Easter Monday). God bless you!