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The Genesis Story: Part 88- Do You live by the flesh?

Bible Reading: Genesis 25

Memory Verse: Genesis 25: 32b

“What good is the birthright to me?”

Good morning ladies and gentlemen! How are you all doing? Are you excited to read and learn from another message authored by the Holy Spirit? I am. Let’s get right into it!!

The verse we are exploring today, is a question Esau asked his brother, Jacob. This question was as a result of Esau's hunger; his appetite to eat the stew his brother had cooked. One thing that is evident by this question is “priority.” Esau’s priority was to fill up his stomach. This meant that he was willing to give up whatever he had; to ensure he can get the stew.

At this point,he allowed his flesh to override all things. Many Christians act like this. They allow their body/ flesh to control what they are doing. This is very wrong. As Christians, we are not to live by the flesh, but by The Spirit. In Galatians 5:17, the Bible tells us, “For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.”

I understand the difficulty in saying “no” to the flesh; however, it is necessary. The wants of the flesh is a path the enemy uses to get people to sin and disobey God. This is because most of the things the flesh want are against God’s will. This is due to our sinful nature as man. In Galatians 5:19-21, God speaks directly to us about the things of the flesh. He groups them and warns us against following them.

Throughout the Bible, from the time of Adam and Eve, the wants of the flesh, has been an issue that man has had to battle with; coupled with tempting thoughts (fueled by the enemy) that make these sinful acts pleasant. One important question you must ask yourself is “Am I living by the flesh?” You must think carefully about this question and give an honest response. Living by the flesh includes the simplest of things. For example, taking an extra bite of chocolate.

We must make sure to listen to God and follow His ways, exactly as He tells us. We must be very sure and accurate about it because the enemy can also twist God’s words. Most people wo struggle to identify God’s voice; usually encounter this issue. They hear a voice speaking to them that sounds like God; but isn't. That is why as Christian we must stand strong and steadfast in Christ. There is no room for uncertainty or doubt.

As Christians, we must be careful about how we live. In Esau's case, he priortized his hunger. He forfeited his blessings and rewards as the first born child, just to satisfy his flesh (stew) . Most of you may be quick to judge Esau; questioning his reasonings (especially for how insignificant we may think his bodily cravings were). We do the same. The gravity of what we forfeit might not be similar to Esau's; however, we do same. I hope that this example serves as a lesson for us all; as Christians.

As a Christian, living a life for God is a very difficult. God never promised us that it would be an easy journey. What He did promise us is the fact that He would be with us through it all- the good, the bad and the ugly. The beginning, the middle and the end. Before, during and after. He is by our sides guiding us through it all and protecting us through it all.

I pray that you have learnt something from this message. God bless you all for reading this message and previous messages, as well. Shalom.

If you are battling strongly with your flesh and you want a way to be free of the tempting wants of the flesh; the prayer below is for you. I pray that you say this prayer with all sincerity in your heart.

Dear Lord,

I come to you today as a sinner. I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that Jesus is your Son and He came on to this earth to die for my sins. Dear Lord, let your Son come and fill me. Lord, I ask that He cleanses me off my sins. I am ready to stand for you and profess your Name. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

If you repeated this prayer with all the sincerity of your heart, congratulations!! You are now a part of God’s family. Welcome to the greatest family ever. Heaven is jubilating on your arrival. Your fellow brothers and sisters are also excited to have you on board. You can now be exempted from the wrath of the enemy and of God. Not only do you experience this, but your whole family as well. Wow! Isn’t the God you serve so cool? He is. Not only do you enjoy this, but you enjoy other blessings God has in store for His children.

Being a child of God is a wonderful thing. The road might not always be easy, but God is with you each and every step of the way. Guiding you, helping you and encouraging up. You will never regret this decision; I can assure you of that. Two things I would recommend for you to do are;

  1. Get yourself a Bible (in a version you understand) and meditate on it day and night. In Joshua 1:8, we are told that when you meditate on the Word day and night, you will be prosperous and successful.

  2. Find a Bible- believing church to attend and fellowship with other Christians. This would help you grow spiritually.

I am excited that you made this decision. Welcome! If you would like some help or more understanding into anything, you can leave a message (adding your email address) and I would be willing and happy to help you out. Hallelujah!

  • Have a wonderful day and let God inspire you!

This is the end of the eighty- eighth Part of the Genesis Story. How did you find it? Please give us feedback on how this message (and previous messages) have spoken to you. Don’t forget to subscribe to get notifications once we post.

Always remember to show love to everyone, as this is one of the most important commandments God left for us – “Love your neighbor as yourself.” In every situation, before you take a decision, remember WWJD (What Would Jesus Do). Shalom.

Please spend some time praying for Sammie’s Daily Dose to continue to be the platform for the sharing of The Gospel. Amen.

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